Friday, October 7, 2011

Indian Summer

I hope you are all enjoying the Indian Summer we've been having here in Minnesota!

Emily and Gasthof at Minnehaha Falls dog park

I took the week off from work this week but have been trying to tie up some loose ends...home care has been very busy and I have had more patients recently that require more time both in and out of the home (phone calls, etc). So while I am on vacation, it doesn't always feel like it, but it's still better than working 8-12 hours every day! The house is looking better, I have been catching up with friends, and very much enjoying being outside. I even picked 20 tomatoes, 5 cucumbers, and watered our plants in the backyard. Although the weather has been nice, the plants and wine grapes need a little rain with all the sun and warmth we have been having! Until then, I will keep up with the watering. I'm no green thumb by any means...hopefully next year I take better care of my garden. I let weeds take over and I planted the green beans too late...I didn't get any to grow!

Nick and I have been running on a regular basis, so we also have enjoyed the fall colors at home...we have two parks nearby that are perfect for running. Any time we say run, Gasthof's ears perk up and he starts wagging his tail! Julie Ann and I took Gasthof to the Minnehaha Falls dog park and the scenery was beautiful! Gasthof hates water (he swims like a horse!) but when other dogs were in the water, he checked it out too. Maybe if we continue to provide him with positive experiences with water, he'll warm up to it. Some of the pictures on today's blog are from Minnehaha Falls dog park, courtesy of Julie Ann!
Julie Ann captured our feet as we ran!

The street in our neighborhood and surrounding area is being re-done....and the majority is happening on my week off! We had a hefty tax assessment that is covering the road work, which includes: a sidewalk added to the street just perpendicular to our cul-de-sac, new pavement, and new mailboxes. I will enjoy getting a new mailbox since ours is barely holding up. Earlier this year, right when all the RSVPs were due for our wedding, the mailbox fell over due to rotten wood....Nick was sick, so our neighbor Scott helped me out. I wish I was more handy, but I'm learning. We used a metal pipe and a few bungee cords. Although it has held up for over 6 months, it's time to get replaced. Speaking of 6 months, Nick and I have been newlyweds for about that long and I continue to enjoy looking at pictures and listening to the ceremony (especially Amy & Ted's singing!!). It was the best day of my life. We really are blessed to have such wonderful family and friends!

In other news, the large house to our west is going up for sale in the next month or two, and the house next to theirs is going for sale in the spring. For only 5 houses in a cul-de-sac, two sales in the course of 6 months is a big deal! 

I'm really feeling "adult" when some of the biggest news I can think of is about work, the weather, and our neighborhood...

I was just about to get started working when I came across an article link from a friend's Facebook page, and thought I would pass along the link. It is from Travel and Leisure and is an article about America's most beautiful college campuses. I don't have many to compare, but I am partial to #25. Nick and I headed down to St Olaf last Saturday and hung out with Zach (Emily's cousin)...ate in the caf, played Frisbee golf, and went to the Fireside Orchard in Northfield. It was a perfect time of year to visit campus! I can't believe it's been 4 1/2 years since I graduated. Time flies!

The article reminds me of a few things:
1. I had a good sense in high school to know that St Olaf's campus was beautiful!
2. I wish I had checked out more college campuses back in high see the cool buildings, cities, etc. In my mind I will never have enough time and money to travel to all the interesting places, but I will keep saving up and enjoying each new place I visit. 

The article didn't include many photos, so I am including pictures from last Saturday (October 1st) at St. Olaf. (I did not get many of the buildings, mostly where we were playing Frisbee golf)


I hope you are all enjoying the weather and have a wonderful weekend!
